We all want to live guilt free, but making big lifestyle changes can be difficult. Sustainability should be about creating opportunities, not about limiting possibilities. Four researchers from University College Cork, Ireland are attempting to use the powers of science and nature to enable us to ferment our way to foreign holidays, to use giant metal stomachs to power our buses, to recycle dairy waste into plastic, and use the slime from deep-sea creatures to make our stuff. All of this while ensuring that climate change won’t alter the flavour of your favourite Merlot and peak oil won’t prevent you from buying the latest smart phone!
Circular Ocean is very happy to have been invited to participate at this exhibition in St Peter’s, North Main Street, Cork from 13th -19th November as part of Science Week. The event is free and open to the public – just drop in. If you want to attend one or all of the talks, please register on the link below.